Wednesday 9 February 2011

Finished Plot Idea

After all of my research and some re-adjustments to my plot, i have finally achieved my finished concept.

Inside of the warehouse, the main character will discover that as an infant he used in a cloning experiment, and consiquently he has a clone. Seeing as his clone is angry that he is simply the subject of an experiment and sub-human, he goes insane and tries to kill people involved with the project. This is why the warehouse was abandoned in such a hurry. Upon finding his double (the main character) the clone tries to kill him so that he could live a normal life. The clone stalks our main character so that he can a chance at killing him.

This is very different from my original ideas, as i have removed the idea of having a creature as the thing that is following him. Personally, i feel that this is a big improvement, as now a have a reasonable idea for wy th warehouse was abandoned in the first place. It's also makes it a lot easier to film, as it is easier to have a clone than to create some form of monster.

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