Friday 18 February 2011

Empire Magazine Review Analysis

This article is from empire magazine reviewing New Moon from the twilight series.

At the top of the article there is the 'In Cinemas' logo consisting of a black and orange colour scheme, with an orange arrow inside a black box and the word 'In' is in white. This logo is used in every addition of the magazine and is vital to this specific kind of article. The black and orange colour scheme is also followed in the rest of the review. For example, all the accents in the words or the smaller titles are either in crimson or orange.

The majority of the article is taken up by a large still from the film with a caption under it. The rest of the review is in relatively small text, apart from the title of the film which is in big black letters so that it stands out. Other parts of the text that are supposed to stand out are either in red or orange.

Besides from the actual review, the article contains other features such as the 'Look Closer' box which is in a white box next to the main photo. On top of the main photo there is a red box which contains the magazine’s website in white text. At the end of the article, there is a verdict box which sums up the reviewers feelings on the film. Under this box there is the rating in stars.

I will be using this article as a template for one of my own articles on my film.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Finished Plot Idea

After all of my research and some re-adjustments to my plot, i have finally achieved my finished concept.

Inside of the warehouse, the main character will discover that as an infant he used in a cloning experiment, and consiquently he has a clone. Seeing as his clone is angry that he is simply the subject of an experiment and sub-human, he goes insane and tries to kill people involved with the project. This is why the warehouse was abandoned in such a hurry. Upon finding his double (the main character) the clone tries to kill him so that he could live a normal life. The clone stalks our main character so that he can a chance at killing him.

This is very different from my original ideas, as i have removed the idea of having a creature as the thing that is following him. Personally, i feel that this is a big improvement, as now a have a reasonable idea for wy th warehouse was abandoned in the first place. It's also makes it a lot easier to film, as it is easier to have a clone than to create some form of monster.